Best ki supers and ultimates to carry over? (2025)

Dragon Ball: Xenoverse 2

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    2. Dragon Ball: Xenoverse 2
    3. Best ki supers and ultimates to carry over?

    vivi21 7 years ago#1

    I'm thinking of going ki blast frieza race when I get this for Christmas and would like to know what the best ki blast supers and ultimates are to carry over.

    It just isn't a Bethesda game if it doesn't corrupt my savefile.

    vivi21 (Topic Creator)7 years ago#2


    It just isn't a Bethesda game if it doesn't corrupt my savefile.

    chaosinuyasha 7 years ago#3

    I heard if you're using a Super Saiyan build using Big Bang kamehameha is a good super as it has the damage of an ultimate with the ki cost of a super plus it has a warp function if you're in SS form

    PSN: ChaosInuYasha (make sure you give me fair warning as to where you met me and why you wanna add)
    Official Kaguya Ootsutsuki of the UNStorm 4 board

    vivi21 (Topic Creator)7 years ago#4

    I'm going to be a Frieza not SS.

    It just isn't a Bethesda game if it doesn't corrupt my savefile.

    DStorm16 7 years ago#5

    Well honestly they nerfed the s*** out of the Freiza race. They kinda suck now so doesnt really matter what Supers and Ultimates you bring. They changed the mele combos for the Freiza race to be this slow nonsense. You can rarely get through the whole combo without the enemy teleporting around you 8 times and kicking your ass. I actually played as a Saiyan in this one. They are way better than they were in the first one

    vivi21 (Topic Creator)7 years ago#6

    DStorm16 posted...

    Well honestly they nerfed the s*** out of the Freiza race. They kinda suck now so doesnt really matter what Supers and Ultimates you bring. They changed the mele combos for the Freiza race to be this slow nonsense. You can rarely get through the whole combo without the enemy teleporting around you 8 times and kicking your ass. I actually played as a Saiyan in this one. They are way better than they were in the first one

    I don't pvp so hopefully a Frieza race is still viable for pve atleast.

    It just isn't a Bethesda game if it doesn't corrupt my savefile.

    lucasking 7 years ago#7

    vivi21 posted...

    DStorm16 posted...
    Well honestly they nerfed the s*** out of the Freiza race. They kinda suck now so doesnt really matter what Supers and Ultimates you bring. They changed the mele combos for the Freiza race to be this slow nonsense. You can rarely get through the whole combo without the enemy teleporting around you 8 times and kicking your ass. I actually played as a Saiyan in this one. They are way better than they were in the first one

    I don't pvp so hopefully a Frieza race is still viable for pve atleast.

    Frieza is probably the second weakest race, behind Namekians, probably a bad idea to play if you want to have fun.

    3DS FC: 1418 8127 6959

    vivi21 (Topic Creator)7 years ago#8

    lucasking posted...

    vivi21 posted...
    DStorm16 posted...
    Well honestly they nerfed the s*** out of the Freiza race. They kinda suck now so doesnt really matter what Supers and Ultimates you bring. They changed the mele combos for the Freiza race to be this slow nonsense. You can rarely get through the whole combo without the enemy teleporting around you 8 times and kicking your ass. I actually played as a Saiyan in this one. They are way better than they were in the first one

    I don't pvp so hopefully a Frieza race is still viable for pve atleast.

    Frieza is probably the second weakest race, behind Namekians, probably a bad idea to play if you want to have fun.

    Eh I'll still try it, I'll probably only use it in the story anyway,

    It just isn't a Bethesda game if it doesn't corrupt my savefile.

    lucasking 7 years ago#9

    "Have Fun"

    3DS FC: 1418 8127 6959

    turtles1236 7 years ago#10

    lucasking posted...

    vivi21 posted...
    DStorm16 posted...
    Well honestly they nerfed the s*** out of the Freiza race. They kinda suck now so doesnt really matter what Supers and Ultimates you bring. They changed the mele combos for the Freiza race to be this slow nonsense. You can rarely get through the whole combo without the enemy teleporting around you 8 times and kicking your ass. I actually played as a Saiyan in this one. They are way better than they were in the first one

    I don't pvp so hopefully a Frieza race is still viable for pve atleast.

    Frieza is probably the second weakest race, behind Namekians, probably a bad idea to play if you want to have fun.

    I leveled all the way to 80 and didn't spend any stat points so any race is doable and can easily do pve

    only time I had to spend all my points was to do the expert quests so saying a race is weak is stupid since they are way more balanced compared to xv1

    Blitzball Is A Sports Mini Game In FFX That's Better Than Any Sports Game By EA.
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    3. Best ki supers and ultimates to carry over?
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    Best ki supers and ultimates to carry over? (2025)
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    Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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    Views: 5988

    Rating: 4.9 / 5 (69 voted)

    Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

    Birthday: 1997-10-17

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    Job: Manufacturing Agent

    Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

    Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.