I'm bored so I wrote a guide.
This is a short guide about landing and, more importantly, comboing Ki Blast Ultimates. If you think you've mastered Ki Blast Ultimates when all you do is charge ki and spam ultimate, you're wrong. And this guide will show you how to properly use Ki Blast Ultimates.
This guide will mainly focus on Super Vanishing Ball, Supernova Cooler, Divine Wrath Purification, Gigantic Meteor, Super Spirit Bomb, and Emperor's Death Beam. If the Ki Blast Ultimate you want to use is not listed here, fret not, because what you learn here can be applied to every Ki Ultimate in the game.
Quick rundown of the Ultimates:
Super Vanishing Ball: Quickest startup, Very accurate, no aftercast delay, and is only 3 ki, but is the weakest and smallest ultimate. Takes the least amount of skill to use and is arguably the best Ki Blast Ultimate in the game as it boasts the highest DPS.
Gigantic Meteor: Longest startup, only accurate against still targets, long aftercast delay, but does the most damage out of all the ultimates listed (even more than Supernova Cooler) yet is only a 3 ki ult, and is the most precise as it's an explosion ultimate.
Divine Wrath Purification: Quick Startup, is only 3 Ki, and does the 2nd most damage out of all 3ki ultimates. But is the most INACCURATE Ki Blast Ultimate in the game. No homing, just a straight direct shot. Has short aftercast delay if you hit your target but has a really long aftercast delay if you miss. If you never miss this skill boasts one of the highest DPS in the game.
Supernova Cooler: Identical to Super Vanishing Ball except it's bigger and does more damage at the cost of being a 5 ki ultimate.
Super Spirit Bomb: Super long startup, but is unique in that it depletes hp and not stamina when hit meaning the AI can never interrupt your Ultimate, and holds your target still long enough for you to throw and land a 2nd Ki Blast Ultimate. The AI cannot stamina break you when you use this skill making it the best Ki Blast Ultimate when you don't have Meditation.
Emperor's Death Beam: Virtually no startup and the most accurate Ki Blast Ultimate in the game as missing the first few shots doesn't really matter. This and the fact that it boasts almost the highest DPS makes it the best Ki Blast Ultimate to use against AI that isn't attacking you. This is the best Ki Blast Ultimate in the game for escort missions where the AI never attacks you.
The key to mastering Ki Blast Ultimates is mastering two things: positioning and the 4 different types of stamina breaks.
The four types of stamina break are:
- No stamina break.
- Light stamina break.
- Heavy stamina break.
- Ultimate stamina break.
And the 2 types of positions are:
- Max altitude
- Ground Level.
which should be self explanatory.
No Stamina Break
To maximize Ki Blast Ultimates you need to use Pose K and Meditation for super armor because super armor is what lets you spam stamina breaks which in turn lets you spam Ki Blast Ultimates. However, Meditation is a really, really, really hard skill to obtain. It is obtained, in my opinion, in the most difficult PQ in the entire game which you most likely have to beat several times because of RNGesus. Which means in order to get Meditation, you need to know how to use Ki Blast ultimates without using Stamina Break.
Get the AI to target your allies.
Have the AI target your allies by using skills like Ill Bomber and then spam Super Vanishing Ball, Supernova Cooler, Super Spirit Bomb, or Emperor's Death Beam. From my experiments, Super Vanishing Ball and Emperor's Death Beam had the highest DPS in this situation.
Knock them away
Whether it's by doing a full combo or by doing a kick (weak attack + strong attack buttons pressed simultaneously), knock your opponent away and immediately follow up with a Ki Blast Ultimate. The best Ki Blast Ultimate to use in this situation is Divine Wrath Purification because this ultimate trades accuracy for damage, and when used in this fashion, you will hit your opponent 100% of the time.
Open with Super Spirit Bomb
Your opponent cannot stamina break you when you use this ultimate. When this ultimate lands, it holds your opponent long enough for you to land a second quick startup Ki Blast Ultimate like Divine Wrath Purification (highly recommended) or Super Vanishing Ball. And Super Spirit Bomb hits opponents that are behind you making this the best strategy to use when you don't have Meditation. Spam regen items to keep yourself alive, or the Hmm hmm hmm super soul.
Why isn't No Stamina Break a good strategy?
Because your opponent can block your ultimate, dealing next to no damage, or evasive out. Final Form Frieza will always evasive out, doing absolutely no damage. So if you want to land 100% of your Ultimates, you gotta use Stamina Breaks, so use the techniques in this section until you get Meditation and then never use them again.
Light Stamina Break
From this point on the guide will assume you are using Pose K + Meditation.
To perform a Light Stamina Break, press and hold forward and weak attack simultaneously. Your opponent can still move about, use ultimates, and more importantly, GRAB YOU, so always follow up with a kick after a Light Stamina Break. ALWAYS.
Max Altitude
Your opponent will be sent flying and then fall down to the ground for quite a while. Ultimates to use in this situation: Super Vanishing Ball, Supernova Cooler, and Emperor's Death Beam.
Ultimates NOT to use in this situation: Divine Wrath Purification (will miss because your opponent drops down too quickly and dodges this ultimate). Gigantic Meteor (your opponent's stamina will fully recover and move about before this Ultimate fires)
If you really want to use Divine Wrath Purification, chase after your opponent and close the distance, then fire Divine Wrath Purification. It will land.
Ground Level
The only difference is that Divine Wrath Purification connects. Your opponent will bounce around well within the blast radius of Divine Wrath Purification. As such in this situation Divine Wrath Purification is the best ultimate. So stay at Ground level if you can.
No Kick
Light Stamina Break and use an Ultimate immediately without sending your opponent flying. This is a risky move. If your opponent attacks you while stamina broken, your ultimate will connect and Divine Wrath Purification is the best skill to use in this situation. If your opponent circles around you at high speeds, it will miss and is utterly devastating if you used Divine Wrath Purification.
So why would you ever use this technique? If you're facing multiple AIs, because of the large blast radius of all of your Ki Ultimates, they will all most likely hit a non-stamina-broken and guarding AI instead of your target. But if you use this technique, not only will your target take full damage, but everyone circling you will also be caught up in the full blast. Note that some Ki Blast Ultimates will not connect at point blank range. Divine Wrath Purification is one of the best ultimate to use in this situation as it does the most damage in this situation, has a huge ass AoE, and even if you miss your target because he's circling you, you will most likely hit a different AI thus avoiding the long aftercast delay penalty of missing with Divine Wrath Purification.
Emperor's Death Beam is also amazing as it will hit 100% of the time when used in this situation thanks to its really short startup. No AoE though.