Summary Miss Shampoo (2023)

1. Miss Shampoo (2023) Movie Review

  • A hair salon apprentice accidentally saves a gangster's life — an act that helps bring in new clientele and drops her into a world of chaos.

2. Miss Shampoo (Qing wen hai you na li xu yao jia qiang/請問

  • Dec 29, 2023 · When Tai (Daniel Hong) crashes into the salon badly wounded. Thai mercenaries are chasing him, but some quick thinking from Fen saves his life.

  • TL;DR – It is a genuinely odd film, sometimes weird, sometimes wondering, often fascinating, but it also has moments where you wonder what it is that you are watching. ★★★★ Post-Credit Scene – Ther…

3. Film Review: Miss Shampoo (2023) by Giddens Ko - Asian Movie Pulse

4. Miss Shampoo | Rotten Tomatoes

  • A hair salon apprentice accidentally saves a gangster's life, an act that helps bring in new clientele and drops her into a world of chaos.

5. NYAFF 2023: MISS SHAMPOO - Cinapse

  • Aug 8, 2023 · Miss Shampoo, a mostly fluffy comedy with some decidedly dark moments, has some surprisingly comprehensive cross-connections with Kai Ko's Bad Education.

  • The 22nd annual New York Asian Film Festival took place between July 14 and July 30. For more information on what you missed, click here. I do so enjoy it when things wind up getting all Full Circle on me. Miss Shampoo, a mostly fluffy comedy with some decidedly dark moments, has some surprisingly comprehensive [...]

6. Miss Shampoo Review: Vivian Sung, Daniel Hong, Kai Ko Delight In ...

7. 'Miss Shampoo' Review: The Joke Is On You If You Watch This Film - DMT

  • Dec 28, 2023 · Miss Shampoo is the story of a gangster who falls in love with a hairstylist, who protects him from some people intent on taking his life.

  • It is hard to have an opinion about Miss Shampoo because the intentions of the writers are rather unclear. They could not have wanted to make a good movie if

8. Miss Shampoo - The Asian Cinema Critic

  • Jun 25, 2024 · Fen (Vivian Sung) is a trainee hairdresser at a small salon whose life is turned upside down when wounded gangster Tai (Daniel Hong) breaks in, to hide from ...

  • A by-the-numbers rom com is saved by its charismatic leads, and some choice haircuts.

9. Miss Shampoo (2023) - MyDramaList

  • Dec 29, 2023 · A "bro" (gangster) escapes from his potential murderers into a hair salon. where a hair washer is practicing hair cuts. After the local boss ...

  • In a hair salon in an alley, apprentice Fen practices day and night in the hope of becoming a fully-fledged hairdresser soon. On a stormy night, Tai,...

Summary Miss Shampoo (2023)
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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

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Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.