The Altamont News from Altamont, Illinois (2024)

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Altamont, Illinois

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THE NEWS I WALLXCH Editor ALTAMONT ILLINOIS ILLINOIS STATE NEWS lupus it mt pa i News from Everywhere 1887 Dr 2500 1500 1700 1300 1100 1SIH) CONDENSED TELEGRAMS the foreign The Crown warmly re 130 1660 1400 1600 1100 29ft) MISCELLANEOUS An immense syndicate lias been formed te buy up all the material for making electric light carbons A Rome telegram of the 24th says the Pope is about to excommunicate Dr Mc Glynn without further delay A voice of alarm has been raised in the rench Senate over the excessive use of spirits by the people New Supreme Court has re versed the decision prohibiting hotel keepers from furnishing guests liquor at meals on Sunday The Inter State Commerce Commission reassembles July 12 On the 15th the com plaint of St Louis grocers against the Missouri Pacific will be heard The board of visitors of Gouverneui hospital New York report that there is no foundation for the charges of drunk enness debauchery and the use of polit eal influence in the management as charged by Pomeroy It is reported from Winnipeg that Gal briel Dumont has crossed the frontier from Montana and is now in the Sweet Grass hills and it is supposed exciting the half breeds a The action of the American authorities at Niagara alls in preventing laborers residing in Canada from working in the United States has ented no little dis pleasure in official circles at Ottawa East Side elevated railways in New York have been enjoined by the Superior Court from operating tlfcir lines in front of certain properties The firm of Crumb Baslington at Cleveland has failed as a result of the collapse of the Chicago wheat corner At the close of the week ended the 25th the Detroits were still leading in the League base ball series with Boston a good second and Chicago up to third place In the Association race the St Louis Browns were still ahead with Bal timore however crawling up sufficiently close to make the champions attend strict ly to business A clash of Canadian and local author ity is anticipated in Manitoba when con struction operations are begun on the railroad from Winnipeg to the United States boundary The Mono County (Nev) marble quarry sixty miles from Carson was completely destroyed by a recent earthquake'and the marble broken up in cubes not over a foot square 8000 2600 14 0 1300 18)0 1300 2300 2200 14u0 1200 1100 1400 1400 18 0 1200 1200 1500 Joseph WiewELi cashier of the Bank of America of Philadelphia was struck bv a train on the Philadelphia leading railroad at Wayne Junction Pa on the 24th and sustained injuries which ter minated fatally half an hour later Alexander Campbell a laborer died at Kansas City Mo on the 24th from the effects of strychnine taken th) evening previous after a prolonged drunk Ho refused to see a physician and when one was called fought against taking anti dotes He had tried to kill himself once before ire broke out on the evening of the 24th in the Gould Curry mine at Vir ginia City Nev All the miners escaped with the exception of six employed on the 1510 foot level of the Bost and Belcher mine Signals from them had ceased and it was feared they had perished ire destroyed upwards of a million worth of property at the Chicago stock yards on the 25th Hundreds of hogs were roasted alive and an immense quantity of dressed and packed meat made food for the flames Mrs Leckie wife of a Presbyterian clergyman at Airth Scotland in a fit of temporary insanity on the 25th cut the throats of her three children and then her own The boiler of the Standard Oil refinery at Lima exploded on the afternoon of the 25th wrecking the building and kill ing the engineer Levi Meyers Six other workmen were injured some fatally John Kelley a lad of seventeen fell into a vat of boiling water at house in Cedar rapids la on the 25th and was fatally scalded John Thomas Ross was sentenced to death at Baltimore Md on the 25th for the murder of Emily Brown whose body was sold by him to the Medical Uni versity In a tenement house fire in London on the 26th several persons were burned to death or were killed by jumping from the burning building During a squall at Philadelphia on the 6th a small sail boat was capszed in the Delaware Edward isher and John Schaeffer were drowned There were several narrow escapes Brooklyn has a dead woman mystery a floating body found with both legs cut off On the 27th John McKenna tried to keep a man at New York from committing suicide and got badly stabbed for his pains On the 27th Miss Sarah Aldridge of Jefferson lud was killed in the presence of her lover whether suicide or murder is not known On the 27th Aclelbort Brannick and Mag gie McGoolow lovers were found at New York with their throats cut They each accuse the other of the crime On the 27th Wm Smith aged thirty five years general passenger agent of the Grand Trunk railroad died suddenly while sitting at his desk in his office at New York On the 26th fire destroyed the business portion of the town of Pullman Loss $75000 to $80000 insured about two thirds Marshfield Wis was almost wiped out of existence by fire on the 27th The loss will exceed a million dollars and fully two thousand people are left home less A locomotive spark started the blaze in a lumber yard and a brisk wind did the rest Sheriff Lynch of Alpena Mich and posse arrested three desperadoes on the 27th for whom a reward of $16000 is said to be offered They are from Ravenna 0 Sheriff Lynch was shot in the leg but not dangerously wounded One of the prisoners tried to commit suicide soon after being captured Collector Magone of the port of New York has investigated the case ofeighteen rench silk weavers who landed at Castle Garden on the 26lh and has ordered that they be sent back to rance under the act of Congress prohibiting importation of contract labor The investigation de veloped the fact that the weavers were under contract to work for a Jersey City silk manufacturer 1100 1100 1301 1200 2400 2000 1(100 1100 1200 1500 13ft) 16IX) 11100 1700 $1100 2000 1300 1200 1200 1700 1600 141X1 1100 1600 1800 141X1 1500 1400 1100 1800 1800 1600 131X1 2900 1000 2300 1100 1200 1100 1300 Ten Broeck the great race horse Is dead ire on the 2Sth destroyed over one hundred buildings at Hurley Wis Jake Sharp was reported to be dying on the evening of the 28th in New York Six men were crushed to death atPorts mouth on the 8th by an excavation cave in General Boulanger has been placed in command of one of the principal corps of the rench army Langtry has located in San rancisco and is preparing to sue for divorce The proposed new constitution of the Knights of Labor it is announced has been ratified Toe English princes were both cheered and hissed at the review in Phoenix Park Dublin on the 25th Ex District Attorny Bliss of Mis souri is at Washington settling his ac counts with the Government The Royal Scottish clans of the United States and Canada began an annual meeting at Chicago on the 28th Albert Turner under sentence of death at Louisville Ky put himself 01 exhibition on the 28th at a nickel a head Over a thousand people visited him The London Echo gives out that Mr Blaine has beer shockingly slighted Vy not having been introduced to Queen Vic toria by Minister Phelps A report was current and generally credited in Chicago on the 28th that the Illinois Supreme Court had decided in favor of granting a new trial to the Hay mai ket Anarchists The Pope lias again changed his mind and ordered his commissioners to visit Ireland His acts are interpreted as an effort to conciliate England with the gen eral policy of the Vatican ire broke out in the extensive flour and feed establishment of Wm Co at Washington on the 28h The flames were soon extinguished Loss $15000 to $2000 1 The Berlin Vowwhe Zeitung says the Porte has ordered the Germania Com I pany of Kiel to dispatch to Turkey a ves sei with two torpedo catchers also nine torpedo boats The vessels are required to be powerful and speedy A body of police was attacked by a mob on St Stephens Green Ireland on the 28th Stones and other missiles were thrown at the officers who however soon dispersed their assailants The Secretary of the Treasury has awarded the contract for furnishing bags (canvas duck sheeting etc) for use in I the transportation and storage of United I States coin during the next fiscal year to the John Shillito Company of Cincinnati ive thousand invitations were issued to the city ball at Guild Hall London on the night of the 28tb in honor of the jubilee Most of royal visitors were nresent Princess of Germany was ceived PERSONAL AND POLITICAL The German Crown Prince visited McKenzie in London daily during the past week Dr McKenzie will remove another portion of the growth in the throat during the present week The impression is gaining in Europe that the Pope will succeed in securing the territorial area he is striving for and es tablish as the head of the church his per sonal rulers hip over it receiving am bassadors and in short become one of the sovereigns of the earth Governor Hill of New York has signed the bill passed by the late Legislature extending local option throughout the State to the extent of permitting com munities which haye prohibited retail liquor selling to also prohibit its sale at wholesale: Hon reeman Clark died in Roches ter on the 24th after along illness aged seventy eight years He was Rep resentative in the Thirty eighth orty second and orty third Congresses and was appointed in 1865 Comptroler of the Currency by President Lincoln President Cleveland has cordially accepted the dedication to him of the eulogy on Henry Ward Beecher by Dr Parker of the London City Temple In his acceptance the President refers to Mr Blecher as loved and honored Dr Parker will deliver the in Brooklyn in October next The President has refused to revoke the order consolidating the Missouri revenue districts By order of the court Jacob Sharpe the New York booxller now on trial will here after be kept in close custody Mr Parnell is said to be suffering from cancer of the stomach General James Speed who was Attor ney General under President Lincoln flied on the 25th at his home near Louis rille Ky Land Commissioner Sparks is taking Steps to cancel a large number of fraudu lent land entries in Wyoming Hon James Blaine visited the Amer fean Exposition at London on the 25th and was given a most cordial and hearty reception A bronze equestrian statue of General Burnside is to be unvailed at Providence 1 on July 4 It stands fifteen feet high and weighs 7500 pounds and will 1 rest on a pedestal sixteen feet high Latest advices in relation to the Crown Prince ot Germany lead to the belief that his ultimate recovery from his throat I trouble is certain Orders have been issued for the arrest of Michael Davitt in Ireland but they are held in abeyance pending the passage of the Coercion bill in the British Parlia ment The impression prevails in London that the real mission of Queen Kapiolani to Europe is to sell the Kingdom of Hawaii before the reigning dynasty is over thrown by revolution The man in custody at Salem Ore supposed to be Bryant Crandal who was reported to have committed suicide at Niagrra alls turns out to be another man entirely Somebody hit a nest Governor Hill of New York has vetoed the bill imposing a tax upon Instructions have been given to Passed Assistant Surgeon Guiteras" Marine Hos pital service who is now at Key West la to make a scientific investigation of the disease prevailing in that city espe cially with reference to the spectroscopic condition of the blood Secretary Endicott has issued orders assigning the recent graduates of the Military Academy to duty as Second Lieutenants There are vacancies for only thirty six of the sixty four gradu ates The rest of the class will be com missioned as additionallieutenants of the regiments to which they are assigned Dr Parker of the London City temple in the course of his sermon on the even ing of the 26th said he was astonished at the interest shown by Americans in the Queen One American offered £530 for a ticket oi admission to Westminister Ab bey on the occasion of the jubilee serv ices Americans he said had no state coach but they had education liberty in dependence a spirit of progress and energy England has postponed ratification of the Egyptian treaty indefinitely on Turk appeal On the 27th two of the grand sons Prince George and Prince Albert Victor went to Dublin to represent Her Majesty in the jubilee ceremonies on the 28th Rev Dr Edward McGlynn intends to become a Knight of Labor and to work hereafter in the interest of that organiza tion a part of his time at least with a view of disseminating his land theories On the 27th ex Governor Anson Mor rill of Maine suffered a partial stroke of paralysis while driving in a carriage at Augusta He is able to move his limbs and converse and his physician Ijas hopes that he will recover He is eighty four years of age CRIMES AND CASUALTIES rank Hopper the alleged forger from Cincinnati who was arrested in Toronto Ont on the 22d was taken before a police magistrate on the 231 Detective Crawford was present in court and Hop per exp essed his willingness to go back with him They left for Cincinnati the same evening Max Marcus aged fifty years an ad vertising clerk in the Xeuss office New York City blew his brains out on the 231 There was no one in the office at the time but the office boy who hearing the shot rushed tothe scene and found the body stretched on the floor Death resulted almost immediately A remarkable break occurred in the Gould stocks on the New York Exchange on the 24th and considerable of a panic ensued 1 Miscellaneous Items A general deficiency of moisture is re ported from all sections of the State Oats wheat and meadows are suffering from rain especially in the northern part of the State Corn is in good condition generally Wheat harvesting is well ad vanced in the southern counties and oat harvesting has begun in the lower tier Governor Oglesby has signed most of the bills sent him by the late General As sembly It is thought those remaining in his hands will be approved A somewhat notable family reunion was held in Galena a few days ago at the residence of Hon Johnson in honor of the mother in law Mrs Colonel Wight one of the pioneers of the Galena lead mines Among those present were Mrs son Wight general freight agent of the Pittsburgh fc West ern railroad Wight general agent of the Baltimore Ohio road Mrs Paul Cincinnati and Honore Chi cago near relatives of the venerable lady The dead of rank er aged twenty years of Stockton Jo Daviess County was found a few days since in the orchard on his place He was shot through the heart with a revolver which was found nearby The upper portion of the body was badly burned the clothing having caught fire from the pistol father committed suicide a year ago and it is believed the son followed his example A fire at Wilmington a few days ago destroyed $59003 worth of property The Bloomington and Normal street railway system has been sold by the syndicate that recently purchased it to two Pennsylvania capitalists for $155000 The State printing ring has begun man damus proceedings against the members of the State Board of Contracts to compel the payment of $872211 alleged to be the combine for work actually performed under its alleged con tract The school year of the State Normal School ended last week with the gradua tion of thirty six students fully to begin work as teachers in the schools of the State Governor Oglesby has gone lEast leav ing five unsigned bills to be disposed oi by the Lieutenant Governor Among them is the Colman Pleuro Pneumonia bill to secure the veto of which a strong pressure has been brought upon the exec utive A defalcation has been discovered in the Chicago Water Department Pope a meter collector has obeen collect ing tax bills and representing that he was unable to get the money The defal cation will am ount to probably $5000 or $6 003 Pope has disappeared and the detectives are unable to find any trace of him Jefferson Park Peoria where the State fair was held for several years has been sold to Howard of the Peoria watch factory for $50000 It will be utilized for manufacturing purposes and it is predicted that within two years 5030 will be added to the population and $50000 to the valuation of the property Upwards of one hundred stallions ana mares affected with the venereal ailment recently described have been quaran tined in DeWitt County during the past few weeks The disease has had an alarming fathlity among horse there and those that have died havd been of high grade frho work has been done by As sistant State Veterinarian Williams The disease communicable by breedtag and it is only by prompt and effectiy Quarantining that it can be eradicated The boodlers must to prison A vigorous war has been inaugurated in Montreal Can on the bucket shop in dustry Crowds of royal personages were pres ent at the jubilee service in St chapel Windsor on the night of the 26lh Nearly all the members of the roval fam ily attended The Queen was not esent There were four new cases of fever re ported at Key West on the 26th but no deaths The record to date was: Total cases 42 total deaths 18: sick at date 14 discharged cure 1 10 The action of the United States author ities in taking the names of Canadians employed on the American side as they pass over suspension bridge causes great indignation at Niagara Ont The citi zens threaten that if any bill compeling Canadians who work in the United States to live there be put into effect they will bring about measures to have the rail ways transact their business on the Cana dian side of the river On the 27th the people rested and the defense opened in the Sharpe trial at New York Tub rench Chamber of Deputies has rejected a proposition that the Senate be elected by universal suffrage Ten land attorneys at Garden City Kas have been reported to Washington for disbarment on the ground of fraudu lent practices in land matters The collection of rare coins of the late John Raymond the actor was sold at auction in New York on the 27th The prices obtained were unsatisfactory The quintuple eagle or which Raymond used to with brought only sixty six dollars and other rare coins equally low figures On the 27th Andy Tolliver who was wounded at the Morehead (Ky) fight last week died of his wounds while being conveye 1 under arrest to Morehead Prof Riley of the Agricultural Bu reau in answer to the inquiries as to whether the hop will suffer this year from the hop louse expresses the opinion that while there is no way of positively fore telling all indications are that this will be ayear of comparative immunity Richard ox of the Police Gaselte has received a telegram from the editor of the Sporting Life of London in behalf of Jem Smith accepting Jake challenge to fight for the championship of the world He names the Continent as the battle ground and $2530 as the stakes with $500 as expenses On the 27th the Thorntown National Bank of Thorntown Ind brought suit in attachment for $7030 against funds in the Indiana National Bank of Lafayette to the credit of the idelity National Bank of Cincinnati The Thorntown bank had that amount on deposit in the idelity when the latter failed The announcement comes from London that tomb has been discovered The location is at Anadolkioi near Kus tendani The stone marking the tomb represents arrival at the island of lomi when he was banished thither by Augustus A 8 on account of the intrigue with the daughter Julia and reception of him On ttie 27th a smart southwest breeze blew in the English channel and the yachts in the jubilee race bowled up and reduced much of the lead The Genesta was the winner Her time over the course which included the circuit of the British isles was twelve days sixteen hours and fifty five minutes 110(1 121X1 2 1ft) 21ft) 1300 1100 1200 1100 1300 Chicago! Parmenas Highland Park Jamfis Atwood: Beniamin Howard Kenny William Anson Chicago William McDaniel El win: Geo Miller Cave 111 Rocks David A Hamil Bushnell Alvan itch ranklin Grove James Peeler Chicago Peter Burdo Papineau John Kelly Springfield rances widow of Adrian Humpherys Knoxville Josephus Springs Crab Orchard Wm Shup Newton John Seby Jacksonville Jos A Jay Sha bonier Samuel Midkiff Robinson John McDonnell Cambridge Win aulk ner Jerseyville Wm Duckworth Omaha General Lafayette Curtz Van dalia John Sharpsburg Albert Shaw Mode Zachariah Sibert Wilmington Wm Osmon Ottawa John ritz Chicago Starling Soars Bingham James Tanner Montrose Lewis Lowry Martinsville Lot Jay Hunt City David Martin Tiskilwa Isaiah Watkins Paxton John Noel Cot tage Home Levi Welch air Grange I Chris McCoy Hunt City Elizi wid owed mother of Andrew Hyndman (le ceascd) Sparta Emeline widow of James Alley Olney rancis father of Pat rick Griffin Rapid City Minerva mother of George Crawford Metropolis 1 minor of James Sutherland Saline Mines Berrel JMassey Kinghuni Moses Osman Ottawa Samuel Rhoades Pekin Spencer Smith Griggsville Mark Skelton Danville Bernard Schonefeld Breese Walker Donaldson Green vv Gibson Weedron Oliv er Gerry Quincy Chas Gooding Colum bia George Meyer Buffalo Thomas oster Patoka William Williams Clark Center Perry McMullen 'Havana Seth Abell Peoria Haywood Clark Elizabethtown Geo McAldcn Cairo Spofford Merrill (deceased) Prairie City John Pohlman Springfield Jos Patter son Adams rancis Heffner Mc Leansboro William Toland Birming ham Mark Murray Eldorado Oliver Reynolds Homer Geo Garrison Home Hardin Dial minors of Norris Darway Renault Phinneas father of John Crayton Coats burg minors of William Billingham Chi cigo Carrie widow of Adam ebin I g'r New Holland Sarah widow of 1 Aaron Anderson Danville Violet moth1 er of Samuel Van Horn Old Duquoin Josiah Williams Vandalia Win Tag gart Ava Henry Shotts airmount Henry Gusen Washington Benj ur long Mills Jacob Dorr Alton Thomas Lord Decatur John Kobler Pcsitum Sylvanus Kilne Leland James Shackelford Charleston chard Roberts Mulberry Grove Andrew atherly Vandalia John Crum (insane) Par Alex Withertip Sulli van Theo Bodgely Atoka Demp son reeman Bigie Georg Venter Loraine John A Duncan Carmi John Waugh Tower Hill Joseph A Tucker deceased Mulkevtown A I 111 Biebinger deceased New Holland Mary A mother of Chas Mann iieago Mziiia Gill mother of John Gill DeSoto Lydia North Athens Catherine widow ot Jas Donnelly Chicago Levi rank Bed ford io Cam leu Daniel Gilmore Peoria John IV Graham Xenia Thomas James Chester Edmund Joues Carterville Henry Kouklin Kanka keo Arch McPherson armer City John Meyer Northfield Jaeob Mc Michael Summerfield Wm Matthews airfield Simon rontman Chapman Reuben Skidmore Jacksonville Daniel Carroll Chicago Joshua Smith Martin ville Wm peinan Henry Simon Stuart Grayville James Kelly La Salle Chester Aldrich Neponset Chester Eastman Oregon Abram Marlow Marlow George Maxwell lat Rock Joshua Liming lldwin Mor ris Neff Naperville Jos Davis Mon mnilth Thnnma Trw Dnti fi XJUX ua btl UUIUU1UU9 Neddo Kankakee William Stephens McLanestown Gunther' Wiess Charles ton Commodore Smith Petersburg ranklin Harsley Paris Samuel A Rhodes Neoga Walter Loving ra zers: Wilhelm Puschel Naperville John Young Paris John Kroaer Qiilm John McCoy Minonk Joseph Vleit Will lamsville David Wilson Belknap Chris tian Pilger Beards James Meaver Grayville John Tribodel Handy John McCormack rankfort Sylves ter Gayer Newton James Groves Birmingham Geo Dunham Lathrope John A Michenheimer Anna Thomas Tatum Industry Alex Orr Mount Erie James McKeernan Marshall Cvrus Oakes Etiglewood John Jenkins New ton Jasper Punnoll Kansas Abra ham Hays Bennett Danforth Richards West Liberty Henry orney Billard Ed Roders Springfield John Nail Taylorville John Emmons Sterling Henry Appehuus Chicago Chas Olson Cambridge Elam Robinson Tower Hill David Culbertson Casey Wm A Griffith La Crosse Win Organ Hardinsville Sam Mvors Avon Owen Kehoe Chicago Adam Deal Peoria Wm Elston Hickory Ridge Bartold Watkins Noble Daniel ruit Carmi Aaron Andersort (deceased) Danville: William Harrison Bloomington Jacob Drake Aurora JohnW Savdrs Cooperstown Charles Barnes Chicago Edwin Scott Sa dovius: Anson Dodge Locknort Chas Burnett Norris City Thos Ta'bott Buf falo Jos McLaughlin Earlville Win Grier Bloomington Wm gomery Quincv rederick Schulenbnig Naperville Chas Hiltwem Chicago Patrick lynn Pittsfield Milton Guthrie (deceased) Jacksonville Alex Arne! Chester rederick Oakor Geneseo James Hacker Bun comber ranklin Wright Shelbyville Restoration and George Oster alias George Winika Upper Alton' Restoration and Geo Keyes West End Reissue and James arm er Allen Swings Isaac Newton Lick Creek Readjustment of Presidential Post mus Salaries in the State The annual readjustment of tlie salaries of Presidential postmasters which is based upon the earnings of each office during the year ending March 31 has just been completed The readjustment takes effect on July 1 and governs payment of postmasters during the whole fiscal year beginning with that date Below will be found a statement of the chants made in Illinois Post Offlc( Abingdor Alton Anna Arcola Auburn Batavia Belvidere Braidwocd BunkerHill Bushnell Conton Carbondale Carlinville Carmi Collinsville DeKalb Dwight Easts Louis Edwardsville Elgin Ehmhurst Englewood Eureka airfield armer City ranklin Grove reeport Galva Geneseo Geneva Grand Crossing Havana Hooperstown Jacksonville Kankakee Kewanee Taeon Lake orest Lenark LBckport Macomb Maywood Mendota Monticello Morris Mt Morris Mt Sterling Murphysburough Nashville Oak Park Pekin Peru Plano Pontiac Ravenswood Rockport Rock Island Rusville Savannah South Chicago Sparta Sterling Streator Vandalia Virden Virginia Washington Watseka Waukegan Wheaton White Hall right's Grove 1888 I $1209 I 2100 I 1400 1300 I 1000 I 1000 I 1700 1 1300 1 121X) 1500 1000 1500 1600 1500 1200 1700 1700 1700 141X1 2800 1100 2400 1200 1300 1200 lU'O 2600 1601) 1800 1200' 1500 1400 1300 2500 2100 1800 1200 1000 14ft) 121X) 1700 1300 1800 1300 1700 1300 121X1 131X1 1400 2200 2 00 1401 1100 1 1 14)0 view Geo PENSIONS GRANTED List of Pensions Granted to Illlnios Ap plicants for the Seven Days Ended June 25 Below wo give a complete list of pen sions granted to Illinois applicants in cluding original grants increases reis sues restorations etc for the seven days ended June 25: Cassie widow of George 'Spellman Chicago Martha mother of rank Parker Joppa Binda widow of John Crank Golconda Larinda widow of Wm Haylor Carbondale Sarah widow of Wm Elwell Upper Al ton John Roberts Monroe Center James Savidge Bloomington Thomas Shaw Clinton Harrison Shaffer armer City Julius Schubert Macoupin August lucks Turnley Eyrse.

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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.